

Kaneko S, Tsubota S, Aoki M, Uchiyama E, Ikemoto Y: Forearm Pain, Diagnosed as Intersection Syndrome, Managed by Taping: A Case Series. 5th APFSHT (Asian Pacific Federation of Society for Hand Therapist). Indonesia, 2012101113

Kaneko S, Tsubota S, Aoki M, Uchiyama E, Ikemoto Y: Application of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy for Trigger Finger - A Case Series. 5th APFSHT (Asian Pacific Federation of Society for Hand Therapist). Indonesia, 2012101113

Kaneko S, Tsubota S, Aoki M, Uchiyama E, Ikemoto Y: Effects of the horizontal extension technique for carpal tunnel syndrome. 5th APFSHT (Asian Pacific Federation of Society for Hand Therapist). Indonesia, 2012101113

Takasaki H. Kaneko S. Hall T. A case-series of forearm pain, diagnosed as intersection syndrome, managed by Mulligan taping. 2nd International Mulligan Concept Conference. Porto, 2011June

Kaneko S, Tsubota S, Aoki M, Takasaki H. Application of Exercise Therapy to Trigger Finger Case Series. The 7th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, Hong Kong, 2010102324

Kaneko S, Tsubota S, Aoki M. Structural change of the carpal tunnel by the use of the horizontal extension technique measured by magnetic resonance imaging. 8th Triennial Congress of IFSHT International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy , USA, 201062426

Takasaki H, Hall T, Jull G, Kaneko S, Ikemoto Y. The influence of cervical traction, compression and Spurling’s test on cervical intervertebral foramen size. 1st conference of the Neuro Orthopaeidic Institute, Nottingham, 2010April

Kaneko S, Tsubota S, Aoki M. Structural change of the carpal tunnel by the use of the horizontal extension technique measured by magnetic resonance imaging. 8th APFSSHAsian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of Hand. Taiwan, 2009111315

Kaneko S, Tsubota S, Aoki M. Effects of Mulligan’s Mobilization for Lateral Epicondylalgia. The 4th APFSHT (Asian Pacific Federation of Society for Hand Therapist). Taiwan, 2009111315

Takasaki H, Hall T, Jull G, Kaneko S, Ikemoto Y: Influence of cervical traction, compression and Spurling's test on cervical intervertebral foramen size. Australian Physical Association Conference, Sydney, Australia, October, 2009

Takasaki H, Hall T, Kaneko S, Iizawa T, Ikemoto S. Cervical segmental motion induced by shoulder abduction assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. 1st International Conference on the Mulligan Concept. Chicago, USA ? May 2009.


●金子翔拓, 青木光広:上腕骨外側上顆炎に対する保存療法 〜関節Mobilizationの効果と適応〜. 25回日本肘関節学会学術集会, 東京, 201328日〜9

西本亮, 金子翔拓, 飯澤剛, 坪田貞子, 青木光広, 池本吉一, 内山英一:手根管症候群症例に対するhorizontal extension techniqueの効果.124回北海道整形災害外科学会, 札幌, 2013127

●金子翔拓, 坪田貞子, 内山英一, 西本亮, 池本吉一:de Quervain病の各誘発テストにおける特異度の検討. 43回北海道作業療法学会, 札幌, 2012102728

●金子翔拓, 坪田貞子, 内山英一, 池本吉一:Intersection syndromeに対するテーピング療法による治療経験. 43回北海道作業療法学会, 札幌, 2012102728

●金子翔拓, 坪田貞子, 池本吉一, 青木光広, 内山英一, 山下敏彦:手根管症候群症例に対するhorizontal extension techniqueの効果.27回日本整形外科学会基礎学術集会, 愛知, 20121026

●金子翔拓, 池本吉一, 青木光広, 内山英一:手根管症候群症例に対する横手根靭帯ストレッチの効果. 25回日本臨床整形外科学会学術集会, 神戸, 2012715

金子翔拓, 坪田貞子, 内山英一:Intersection syndromeに対するテーピング療法の効果. 46回日本作業療法学会, 宮崎, 2012615日〜17

金子翔拓, 池本吉一:上腕骨外側上顆炎に対するテーピングを用いた上肢アライメント修正の効果Horizontal flexion testの検討. 42回北海道作業療法学会, 札幌, 2011108, 9

金子翔拓, 池本吉一, 坪田貞子:手根管症候群症例に対するhorizontal extension techniqueの効果. 42回北海道作業療法学会, 札幌, 2011108, 9

金子翔拓, 池本吉一:de Quervain病の各誘発テストにおける特異度の検討. 24回日本臨床整形外科学会学術集会, 長崎, 2011717, 18

金子翔拓, 池本吉一:屈筋腱狭窄性腱鞘炎に対する装具療法の効果. 24回日本臨床整形外科学会学術集会, 長崎, 2011717, 18

金子翔拓, 池本吉一, 青木光広, 内山英一. 手根管症候群症例に対するhorizontal extension techniqueの効果. 23回日本運動器科学会, 新潟, 201179

●飯澤剛, 柴田恵理子, 金子翔拓腰部脊柱管狭窄症に対するマッケンジー法の効果の検討?腰部脊柱管狭窄症に対するマッケンジー法の可能性?. 46回日本理学療法学術大会, 宮崎, 20115

金子翔拓, 横井志織, 坪田貞子:de Quervain病に対する徒手療法〜関節由来の疼痛の存在〜.41回北海道作業療法学会, 札幌, 2010102,3

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