Ms. Ref. No.: YMATH-D-08-00070R2 Title: The influence of increasing sacroiliac joint force closure on the hip and lumbar spine extensor muscle firing pattern Manual Therapy Dear Mr. Hiroshi Takasaki, I am pleased to inform you that your paper "The influence of increasing sacroiliac joint force closure on the hip and lumbar spine extensor muscle firing pattern" has been accepted for publication in Manual Therapy. It will now be forwarded to the Production Editor, Joanne Merrett (, who will schedule it for publication. Your article can now be available online between 8-12 weeks after acceptance, as a fully published, citable paper. Manual Therapy papers that have been accepted for publication, but have not yet been published in the printed journal, can be made available online, as Articles in Press, accessible through the journal's ScienceDirect page ( Articles in Press takes full advantage of the enhanced ScienceDirect functionality, including the ability to be cited, by assigning a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each individual article which enables the citation of a paper before volume and issue numbers are allocated. DOIs should always be cited alongside the name of the journal and year of publication. Proofs will be dispatched to you at the above address in due course. If you have any further queries please contact the Production Editor. Yours sincerely Jacqui Merrison Administrative Editor (on behalf of Professor Ann Moore) |
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当院の理学療法士『飯澤』と当院の理学療法士であった『高崎』が、ともに研究した「仙腸関節のForce closureを増加したときの股関節と腰椎伸展筋群の筋発火パターンの検討」というタイトルの論文がmanual therapyという国際雑誌にアクセプトされました。 |
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